Short term rentals have the benefit over a hotel room by having the feel of a real home but having a few typical hotel amenities will be helpful for your guests. One of the first things I bought while outfitting our short term rentals were luggage racks I found at the thrift store. When I found two in great shape and in the style of our rentals, I immediate bought them knowing how helpful they would be for guests. The luggage rack in a hotel is always what I look for first as I walk in a hotel room. The floor is not a convenient place to set down your bag to unpack it with having to bend over or sit on the floor yourself to unpack. Also, as the owner of a short term rental, I'd like them to not put their bags on the bed if necessary as the bags could pick the bedspread or get it dirty. So, by having a luggage rack it gives your guests a natural spot to set their bag down to unpack or leave it during their stay. Keep in mind some typical hotel features like a luggage rack as you set up a short term rental or a guest room.
Hospitality Tip Tuesday