When we message our guests before their arrival, we make sure they have clear directions and their door code. A few days before our guest's arrival we will message them to ask if they would like to provide their own four digit code for the keyless entry. On the day of their arrival we will message them to let them know that the apartment is ready for their arrival and confirm their door code is ready for them. About a year ago I also added a picture of the door to their unit to the message. Since we have 2 units in the same house a few guests have gotten confused over which is the correct door so, we thought this would be very helpful as they arrive. For our guests staying in Take Flight (upstairs) I let them know to follow the sidewalk around to the right of the house and look for the flag by the wooden staircase. They will get the picture you see below of the door with the wooden staircase with the flag beside it. Our guests staying in Garden Place will get the picture of the glass & wooden door with the wreath. We hope this extra message will help our guests feel confident to find their short term rental and welcomed as they arrive for their stay.
Check-in Welcome text for our guests