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  • emily

Downtown Destinations: Five River Metroparks

The next few days with the weather in the 70's and the leaves changing is the perfect time to visit one of Dayton's many metroparks. The name of Five River comes from the five waterways that come together in the Dayton area: the Great Miami River, Stillwater River, Wolf Creek, Mad River and the Little Miami River. The metropark system has 19 parks, several conservation areas and the popular 2nd Street Market (which I've written a blog post about). I have visited all of them over the years, hiked & exploring them all. With the winter months coming now is the perfect time to get out and enjoy the nice weather while we can. Each park is unique with different activities to do such as hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, farms to visit, history to discover of our area and much more. Take some time to get on the Five Rivers Metroparks website to check out the many options for fun for the whole family.

For more information about all the metro parks go to

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